Be successful together
Why would you want to innervate your team?
Leaders seem to grasp the truth of this, while simultaneously surrendering to the impossibility of actually making it happen. Fortunately, there is hope. Contrary to conventional wisdom, the causes of team dysfunction that prevent alignment and cohesion (flow) are both identifiable and curable.
Five of the most prevalent dysfunctions that affect team performance and flow are:
- Absence of trust – When the pressure’s on, we feel vulnerable and tend to 'shut down' our heart centres, becoming sceptical and even suspicious of others’ motives.
- Fear of conflict – The desire to preserve artificially ('don't make waves') stifles innovation, which is driven by productive ideological conflict.
- Lack of commitment – A lack of clarity concerning purpose (why we do what we do) prevents team members from making decisions that they will stick to.
- Avoiding accountability – The need to avoid interpersonal discomfort prevents team members from holding one another accountable.
- Inattention to results – The pursuit of individual goals and personal status erodes the focus on collective success.
Albert Einstein said that we cannot solve problems with the same thinking we used when we created them, and this is exactly where many organisations get trapped.
Try a fresh approach today!
1. Enneagrams for Teams
The Enneagram of Personality, or simply the Enneagram is a model of human personality that is principally understood and taught as a typology of nine interconnected personality types.
Imagine knowing the unconcious motivations behind your behaviour and that of your teams and how to use this to your benefit. Through knowing the 'why' about people's behaviour, we can establish a basis for team cohesion and a gateway to self-mastery.
Contact Michelle to set up a meeting to get you and your team assessed and motivated today.
2. On-Site Coaches (Team Coaching)
It is customised to meet your business objectives, while simultaneously aligning your team and getting you the results you want.
Connect, select and match the best coaches for your team members.
Contact Michelle to set up a free assessment, and let's find an innervative solution that meets your needs.
3. Get e-Motionally Fit for Teams
Get e-Motionally Fit™ is built on the 4 pillars of a solid human foundation. The 5 powerful modules uniquely and personally move you and your team towards alignment and self-mastery.
Module 1 – Get physically centered: Learn to be in the zone, and improve presence and awareness.
Module 2 – Get mentally clear: Empower your mind to get the best results.
Module 3 – Get spiritually connected: Shifting from 'doing' mode to 'being' mode, productive and on-purpose.
Module 4 – Get emotionally calm: Embrace all of you, creating balance and clear boundaries.
Module 5 – Be powerfully aligned: Access and move forward in your authentic power, and empower the natural leader within you and others.
Together, these modules serve to:
- Achieve specific, measurable business objectives
- Align personal motivation with business goals and objectives
- Create individual and team alignment and flow
- Optimise performance and problem-solving capability
- Improve levels of self-trust and personal responsibility within teams
- Increase self-awareness and personal power
- Sustain results, and build resilience to change and uncertainty.
Download the full brochure for more details, or set up a meeting to empower your team.