Enhance your skillset

Empowering you to empower others

Do you want an empowering skill set?

Behaviour is innate or learned. Learnt behaviour is exactly that, learnt behaviour! It is not natural, and we base our present and future experiences on this learnt behaviour, rather than on who we are.


Do you want to be true to yourself, and more resilient to change, rather than constantly adapting or trying to keep up with your external environment?

While working with Innervate, you will harness the skills of self-mastery, by learning to centre yourself in any situation, trust your intuition, set clear goals, navigate your inner and outer landscapes, overcome inner obstacles and refine your flow state – empowering the natural leader within.

Skills to refine Self-Mastery

  • Learning to centre yourself:

This is done through self-awareness and breath training, which help you to think clearly, and connect with all of who you are.
  • Trusting your intuition:

Intuition is the language of self-awareness. ‘Intuition is not the opposite of logic – it is a cyclical process, a comprehensive way of knowing life that includes both left-brain, analytical thinking and right-brain, communication states’ (Penney Pierce, The Intuitive Way).
It's your way of understanding yourself; learning to access and understand it is a skill you can develop. You will find out how to connect with it in any circumstance, through asking powerful questions to gain insights, and from the answers, make powerful decisions that feel more true to you.
  • Setting clear goals:

You do this through gaining understanding and clarity about what you want, but also about what your soul’s purpose is, and making sure these are in alignment. When they’re not in alignment, this can often create a sense of disconnect, confusion and disorder in your life.
  • Navigating your inner and outer landscapes:

This is about understanding how our inner landscapes work, and bringing ourselves into alignment with our true natures to express and create a reflection of this in our outer landscapes.
  • Overcoming inner obstacles

The focus here is on understanding how we became programmed growing up, and making sure that we haven’t, as a result, restricted or limited ourselves in any way. It’s about learning how to be true to our life’s goals and soul’s purpose, rather than being driven by unconscious programming (negative thinking, fears, previous experiences, limiting beliefs, parts of ourselves that we’ve shut down or burdens passed down from previous generations).
  • Taking small steps:

Small steps are very valuable in making greater dreams achievable. Taken consistently, they help us build the bigger picture. When you focus on small steps, you create actual results, and they keep moving you into alignment with your greater goals, and who you are.
  • Refining your flow state:

Flow state is about moving out of your comfort zone into the ‘the zone’ where you feel your best and are your best. Alignment within and connecting with what feels true heightens this state.
  • Leading the life you want:

Change is constant, and so to be in your optimal state, you need to be able to navigate change easily and learn to deal with whatever comes at you. We help you find the tools and skills to empower yourself and which best enable you to lead the life you want.